7 Good Methods to Effectively Study {Video}


Good Methods to Effectively Study

  1. Choose the good place >>Choose an environment for studying where you will be free from distractions including phone calls, television, or other interruptions.
  2. Prioritize your studies>> Prioritize your study materials so that the most important or the hardest is finished first.
  3. Read for comprehension>> Read your materials over once for basic comprehension. Don’t stress about remembering it all on the first read..
  4. Read and take notes>> Read the material again, taking notes and summarizing the main ideas in your own words.
  5. Use your senses>> Use your senses to assist with learning. When possible, don’t just read, but listen to lectures or podcasts, and watch instructional videos. Build a rich understanding of the material.
  6. Quiz yourself>> Quiz yourself without the aid of any notes. Write down your answers or speak them aloud. In other words, rehearse for the test.
  7. Test yourself again>>Test yourself again and again, at different times of the day and week. This “self-testing” will reinforce your studies so that when the real test arrives, you’ll be ready.

Quick Tips:

  • Make new material stick by relating it to something you already know or care about. Context and emotion enhance our ability to remember.
  • Take a nap after a heavy study session to allow your brain time to rest. Napping after studying can help with recall.

source: Howcast

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