With hundreds of medical terms to memorize, aspiring health professionals need to understand common medical prefixes and postfixes. This info graphic explores common medical prefixes and postfixes and their meaning.
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If you are just getting started learning medical terminology, prefixes and suffixes are a good launching point. Yes, there are lots more prefixes for medical terminology than you see listed here. But, to get you started, here is a quick look at some of the most common prefixes that play a huge role in both common, everyday English and medical terminology.
Prefix | What It Means |
A-, an- | Lack of, without, not |
Ante- | Before, in front of, or forward |
Anti- | Opposing or against |
Bi- | Double, two, twice, both |
Co-, con-, com- | Together or with |
De- | Down, or from |
Di- | Twice or two |
Extra-, extro- | Beyond, outside of, or outward |
Hemi-, semi- | Half, half of |
Hyper- | Above, excessive, beyond |
Hyp-, hypo- | Below, beneath, deficient |
Infra- | Below or beneath |
Inter- | Between |
Intra- | Within, inside |
Intro- | Into, or within |
Macro- | Large |
Micro-, micr- | Tiny, small |
Post- | After, or following, behind |
Pre-, pro- | In front of, before, preceding |
Retro- | Behind, backward |
Semi- | Half |
Trans- | Through or across |
Tri- | Three |
Ultra- | Excessive, beyond |
The suffix, always at the end of a word, usually indicates a procedure, a condition, or a disease. Whereas the prefix gives you a clue into what to expect in a word’s meaning, the suffix pulls no punches and tells you what is happening with a specific body part or system. And, usually, it either entails what is wrong medically or indicates the procedure used to diagnose or fix it.
Suffix | What It Means |
-ac, -ic, -al, -ous, -tic | Related to, or pertaining to |
-ate, -ize | Subject to, use |
-ent, -er, -ist | Person, agent |
-genic | Produced by |
-gram | A written record |
-graph | Instrument used to record |
-graphy | Process of recording |
-ism | Condition or theory |
-itis | Inflammation |
-ologist | One who studies, specialist |
-ology | Study of, process of study |
-oma | Tumor |
-pathy | Disease, disease process |
-phobia | Morbid fear of or intolerance |
-scope | Instrument used to visually examine |
-scopy | Process of visual examination |
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