The latest 2020 edition of First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 has published! And while every version of First Aid is important, this one is especially special to us, since it’s the 30th-anniversary edition.
With the First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 30th edition, we maintain our promise to equip students with the most helpful and up-to-date preparation guide for the USMLE Step 1.
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2020 PDF Plus All First Aid Express Videos
This edition of First Aid represents an excellent revision in many ways, including:
- 50 completely new or heavily updated high-yield topics reflecting growing trends in the USMLE Step 1.
- Reorganization of high-yield topics in Endocrine, Pharmacology, and Reproductive chapters for enhanced study.
- Comprehensive text revisions, new mnemonics, explanations, and corrections curated by a team of more than 30 medical students and resident doctor authors who surpassed on their Step 1 examinations and verified by a group of expert faculty advisors and nationally recognized USMLE professors.
- Updated with 178 unique and revised diagrams and pictures as part of our continuing collaboration with USMLE-Rx and ScholarRx.
- Updated with 75 new and improved photos to help visualize various diseases, definitive findings, and basic science concepts. Additionally, enhanced imaging photos have been labeled and optimized to display both normal anatomy and pathologic findings.
- Updated reading tips on the opening page of every chapter.
- Improved integration of clinical images and illustrations to properly strengthen and receive key anatomic concepts.
- Enhanced organization and integration of text, diagrams, clinical images, and tables throughout for focused review of high-yield topics.
- Revised and expanded ratings of current, high-yield study resources, with precise explanations of their importance to USMLE review.
Few Helpful 2020 USMLE Study Tips:
1-Decide your plan for breaks ahead of time, and practice the strategy. For example, you could try the following plan:
Complete two blocks of Uworld then take a 10-minute stretch/ bathroom break
Complete two blocks then take a 30-minute lunch break
Complete two blocks then take a 10-minute stretch/ bathroom/snack break then Complete one block
Complete Uworld Qbank 2019 For USMLE Step 1
2-Keep monitoring your progress: After you begin your second round of Qbank, you should take a NBME exam every two weeks in order to objectively see your performance improvements.
3-How many weeks did you commit to dedicated studying for Step 1?
Wide range: 5-14 weeks
Average: 7 weeks