Renal Disease According To Each Part Of The Glomerulus.
Many diseases affect kidney function by attacking the Functional unit of kidney[ glomeruli], the Very small units within the kidney where body fluid is Filtered and cleaned. Glomerular disorders include many conditions with a variety of genetic[inherited] and environmental causes, but they classified into two major categories:
- Glomerulonephritis (gloh-MEHR-yoo-loh-nef-RY-tis) describes the inflammation of the membrane tissue in the kidney that serves as a filter, separating wastes and extra fluid from the blood.
- Glomerulosclerosis (gloh-MEHR-yoo-loh-skleh-ROH-sis) describes the scarring or hardening of the tiny blood vessels within the kidney.
Although glomerulonephritis and glomerulosclerosis have different causes, they can both lead to kidney failure.
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To read more about Glomerular Diseases >> click here
Well arranged and easy to understand. Thanks a lot .
thanks alot please share
Thank s alot Dr Paul
Thank s alot very good information to trained jr dr Dr Paul