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2016 Edition (Fourth ed)
Pages: 338
300 USMLE-style questions, included with the eBook, feature-complete explanations to help you gain confidence for the exam.
Files size: 46 MB
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Features of the ( Download Step Up to USMLE Step 2 CK 4th Edition pdf)::
Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK, Fourth Edition delivers exactly what you need to know in order to be test-ready and ace key exams.
- Completely revised and updated content reflects the current USMLE exam
- Succinct, outline approach keeps “extra” material to a minimum, focusing on the core content you need to know
- “Quick Hits” in the margins highlight highly testable topics
- Easy-to-remember mnemonics help you “file away” clinical information for handy retrieval at test time
- “Next Steps” margin notes guide you through the workup of a patient with practical tips to success
- Easy-to-follow algorithms show examples of effective clinical reasoning, particularly for similar complaints
- Includes must-know information on causes, risk factors, history and physical exam, lab studies and radiology, treatment, and complications for the most common diseases and disorders
- 300 USMLE-style questions, included with the eBook, feature complete explanations to help you gain confidence for the exam.
What People say about Step Up to USMLE Step 2 CK 4th Edition:
1- I used this as a quick review of topics between question blocks and when I needed more info than I found in UWorld. It was good to have on-hand.
2- Helped me a lot for my Internal Medicine shelf exam!
3- i like it a lot, i feel a bit of more high yield “pop ups” are needed or mnemonics. but it is really helpful.
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