The best mnemonics I’ve found for Anti-emetics drugs

The best mnemonics I’ve found for Anti-emetics drugs:

The mnemonics for Antiemetic drug classification (types):
>> Amazing People Had Antiemetic Drugs Succesfully

A– anticholinergics(atropine like)
P– prokonetic(drug that cause the contents of the stomach to empty faster)
H– H1-antihistamines ( reduce opioid-induced nausea & vomiting)
A– adjuvents drug (used with other antiemetic drug)
D– D2 blockers(nhibition of dopaminergic (D2) and muscarinic receptors in the CTZ)
S– serotonin antagonist(primary agents for prevention and treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting)

The mnemonics for anticholinergics drugs (An antimuscarinic antispasmodic):

>> HD videos are awesome( H– hyoscine, D– dicyclomine)

The mnemonics for prokinetics:

>> Tala Mohanta Can Take Drugs Minimumly (Tapaja, my friend>>you can add your friend name)
(T– tegaserod, M-metoclopramide, C-cisapride, D-domeperidone,

The mnemonics for antihistamines(H1 Blockers):

>>CDP(community development Programme)
C-cyclizine, cinnarizine
D-doxylamine, dimenhydrinate

The mnemonics for Adjuvent antiemetics drugs:


The mnemonics for dopamine receptors antagonist (D2-BLOCKER):

>> 2nd gen HP Phone
2– D2

The mnemonics for serotonin antagonist (H1-Blockers):

>> Old Granny took serotonis antagonist

Some funny Photo for antiemetic drugs:

The best mnemonics I've found for Anti-emetics drugs | MedicalTone

The best mnemonics I've found for Anti-emetics drugs | MedicalTone

The best mnemonics I've found for Anti-emetics drugs | MedicalTone

The best mnemonics I've found for Anti-emetics drugs | MedicalTone

The best mnemonics I've found for Anti-emetics drugs | MedicalTone

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