USMLE Step 1 Experience -Step 1 Score (256)

Hello everyone
My step 1 Score 256
I thought to share it with u , as it may motivate and push some people here to pass the exam , because during my journey I had a lot of tough times , many times I’ve just wanted to quit and stop studying for this exam as I thought it’s impossible to memorize and master all the step 1 materials ,But reading a lot of people expreinces here and how they had the same tough times and how they managed to pass the exam with a high score , was really a great motivation for me.
So whoever feel depressed now and can’t study, I just want to tell them that this is a doable exam , you just need to focus and to study hard and you will nail this exam.
Study materials beside FA and UWorld :

Pathology: pathoma
Biochemistry , Neuroanatomy: Kaplan 2014 videos
Pharmacology , microbiology , immunology, psychiatry, biostatistics , anatomy : Kaplan 2010 videos
Physiology : BRS
Ethics: 100 cases of fischer, khan cases
Question banks :
I did a lot of questions , and I advise everyone to solve as many questions as they can, because it’s the key to enhance your score.
Uworld : I did it twice , first time, subject wise then randomly, and then I’ve repeated my mistakes and marked questions.
I think you should start uworld as early as possible and after mastering it, you can do any other qbank you want.
I did some of uworld step 2 questions in subjects that I feel weak
( infectious,medicine , dermatology, psychiatry, biostatstics, ethics ) , as many questions in this qbank are step 1 like !! ( what’s the most likely diagnosis?)
and of course I’ve skipped the irrelevant questions that are obviously won’t be tested on step 1 ..
RX Qbank : I think it’s a great qbank, it helped me a lot to memorize the fa , and it has some new ideas that I had some of them on my real exam
Kaplan qbank: I did few questions from it
Anatomy ( I think it’s very useful )
Biochemistry, histology, micro and genetics.
Biostatstics uworld : I highly recommende it if u feel weak in this subject .
I did only the online NBMES and uworld self assessment 1 and 2 .
First nbme was 12 : 243
the other NBMES : 252-256
UWSA1 : 253
UWSA2 : 251
So I think all of them were predictive for me .
Finally I want to thank my best friend Omar Jibril  who helped me a lot in my journey and my study. he always encourged me and believed in me , without him I wont be able to do this exam . so I can’t write my experience without mentioning and thanking him .
Please pray for him as his step 2 exam is around the corner and he feels a little bit depressed right now and he needs motivation .
Good luck to all of you doctors

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