- Review on Amazon : Three Stars
Pages: 276 pages
- Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (July 6, 2010)
2.7 MB
USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Triage: A Guide to Honing Clinical Skills 1st Edition PDF
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Contents OF The Book
Section 1: Logistics of Step 2 Clinical Skills 1
Section 2: USMLE Clinical Skills Strategy 8
1. Vision Loss 17
2. Red Eye 23
3. Mental Status Change 29
4. Dizziness 36
5. Headache 42
6. Sleep Diffi culties 48
7. Headache and Stiff Neck 54
8. Syncope 60
9. Heat-Related Injury 66
10. Breast Lump 73
11. Chest Pain 79
12. Chronic Cough 86
13. Shortness of Breath 92
14. Weight Loss and Fatigue 99
15. Respiratory Symptoms 105
16. Male Abdominal Pain 112
17. Nausea and Vomiting in a Diabetic 121
18. Nausea and Vomiting 127
19. Female Abdominal Pain 133
20. Anterior Knee Pain 139
21. Wrist Pain 147
22. Joint Pain 153
23. Back Pain 159
24. Back Pain in an Elderly Patient 166
25. Shoulder Pain 173
26. Lower Leg Pain 181
27. Fatigue and Bruising 187
28. Fever in Pregnancy 193
29. Hematuria 199
30. Testicular Mass 205
31. Irregular Menses 211
32. Fever in a Child 217
33. Diffi cult Patient: Fibromyalgia 223
34. Diffi cult Patient: Drug-Seeking 230
35. Diffi cult Patient: Non-English Speaking 236
36. Telephone Case: Abdominal Pain 242
37. Telephone Case: Elderly Fall 247
38. Telephone Case: Labor Check 251
39. Telephone Case: Question of Abuse 255
40. Telephone Case: Toxic Ingestion 259
Index 263